El Gordo habló de nuevo.

Alex Lifeson, no puede quedarse callado.
Me pidió ayer nomás que guardara un secreto, ( precisamente la entrada al estudio el año que viene, para grabar.), y se despachó dando una nota y reventando la sorpresa.

"It's a very funny thing," Lifeson says. "We're in this mode of not working now, kind of enjoying being bums. And Nick is calling us with all of these heavy conceptual ideas. I think he thinks we have to make our grand statement - like it's now or never."

According to Lifeson, Rush haven't discussed concrete plans for recording their next album, but "we're thinking fall. After the summer I think we'll be ready to work again."

RUSH sigue.

Cuando todos , menos VT Suena Mal , dijeron que era el adiós.

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