Que es muy prometedor, por cierto.
En principio,se juntan en Noviembre a charlar sus cosas, digamos, a chusmear...
... In this autumn of 2009, the three of us are poised on another kind of "reinvention." We have agreed to meet in Los Angeles in November, and discuss our future. We learned many years ago that when we finish one long project-like a two-year tour following a year or so of writing and recording for Snakes and Arrows-we don't make any further plans for a while. It's good to feel truly free for a time, and to clear your mind to focus on what you'd really like to do next.
Luego nos enterámos que el Profesor anda medio enchufado , como loco, y con ganas de romper los quinotos..leamos...[ aporta data interesante sobre el tema de las decisiones en la banda..]
... To this point, the three of us haven't even discussed what we might discuss, so to speak-so our ideas and shared enthusiasm for the entity of Rush will be fresh, spontaneous, and quite likely exciting. For myself, I'm open to anything we can all agree on (I've pointed out before that in a three-piece band, we need consensus, not democracy-it's no good having one outvoted and unhappy member). My favorite group activity is always songwriting and recording, and I've got some lyrical ideas and those new drumming frontiers to explore. However, those rhythmic concepts would also be inspiring for a new drum solo...
Entonces amigos,llegamos a lo interesante. Habíamos visto hace unos meses que Lifeson declaraba sobre lo interesante de ver a RUSH con una orquesta, [ avernturó incluso que 2112 sería una excusa ideal para llevarlo a cabo], y es Neil quien retoma la cuestión , sin avanzar mas allá del terreno conjetural...
if we decided to do a tour of some kind, maybe with an orchestra. We could write and record just a few songs, and release them some way. Or there were a couple of film-and-music projects we had discussed in the past. In any case, there are enough possibilities for future collaboration, and I am curious to see what we'll come up with. ...
Ok muchachos,me queda claro que...
-Hay disco nuevo, sea como sea y llueva o truene.
-Que la idea de una orquesta es, lamento decirlo, algo feo. No me puedo ubicar en ese formato.
-Hay gira-
-Y una vez más,....de Argentina ni lo sueñes.-
3 comentarios:
Este fue un groso en serio, consolidó junto a sassure un paradigma más allá de la antroplogía...El estructuralismo impactó en el psicoanálisis con Lacan en el marxsmo con Althusser, en la filosofía con Foucault, en fin un vuelco epistemológico impresionante que hoy sería imposible de repetir.
Asi Artemio que pedazo de nene. en fin,.
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